
About Us

Our mission: We bring you a world of convenient, freshly curated products from the best growers around the globe, at a price you can afford.

We may be called Nutbox, but we’re known for thinking outside the box—and we mean any box. That’s been true since our beginnings as a Brooklyn-based supplier of high-quality nuts and dried fruit, created back in 2008 to meet a growing demand for the kinds of honest, enticing edibles we wanted to snack on ourselves. Turns out we were onto something. Before long we launched our first retail location on hot-spot Smith Street to fill a void for customized, mix-and-match, on-the-go snacking with an emphasis on freshness, flavor, and fulfillment—oh yeah, and fortitude, as city slickers need extra energy just to go about their daily escapades. Since then we’ve relocated our operations to the Bronx and opened retail shops in Chelsea Market and two other locations in Manhattan, plus one in Philadelphia, all designed to be urban pit stops where locals and visitors alike can get refueled and recharged while soaking up the convivial vibe. Our website makes an even greater selection of premium products available to everyone across the country, for one-stop shopping that’s as curated as it is convenient—no schlepping required.

We at Nutbox stand behind our commitment to bring you the most authentic nuts and dried fruit from trusted farmers and other growers, both locally and globally. That’s why we deal directly with the source, for the ultimate in farm-to-table—or make that farm-to-mouth—snacking that’s in sync with what you eat when you’re not just noshing. We believe that provenance pays off in quality that you can taste, which is why we rely on our expert foragers to sniff out the best sun-dried figs and apricots from Turkey and Medjool dates and almonds (the cornerstone of our company) from sunny California. Not to mention cassava chips from Spain and rice crackers in a bevy of flavors from Japan.

We also make our own trail mixes, adhering to the mantra: “We’re not just on trend, we’re ahead of the curve.” When the standard trail mix was still your average GORP (“good old raisins and peanuts”) a decade ago, we challenged the status quo with our trailblazing Omega-3 Mix and we’ve continued to nudge the dial by developing blends that are high in antioxidants, fiber, and protein as well as others that are free of unwanted sugar, salt, or oil. Thanks to having our feet on the street with our brick-and-mortar shops, we can tap into the zeitgeist to support our never-ending R & D—as in “more Paleo-approved mixes, please!” And we are forever tinkering with different flavor profiles, including sriracha cashews to hit the sweet and spicy spot, or a coconutty mix with macadamia and papaya for adventures by the handful.   

Ultimately, it all boils down to freshness and affordability—at least in our playbook. We get a new batch of nuts each week and do most of the roasting (never frying) ourselves, for a better-tasting and better-for-you product. After all, nuts and dried fruit are naturally healthy, satisfyingly simple, and decidedly delicious all on their own, without anything else mucking things up. You’ll find ample all-natural (sulphur-free) and organic offerings, too, including a selection of groovy granolas. And because we skip the middleman, we can vouch for the integrity of each and every product while also passing the savings onto you, for the greatest value.

Lest we come off as being entirely too virtuous, you’ll find abundant opportunities for indulgence, be they nibbling on triple-dipped (“ultimate”) malt balls, buzzworthy 72% chocolate espresso beans, or the all-original, real-deal cult classics, Swedish fish. Whatever tickles your taste buds and fuels your journey, we’ve got you covered.

If you have a Nutbox favorite, we’d love to hear about it. We also enjoy hearing how, where, and when you enjoy your go-to, on-the-go snacks—whether it’s to while away a few blissful moments at work or while hiking the Himalayas. And if you ever have a hankering for something that we don’t currently offer, we’d appreciate hearing about that, too. We’re always open to suggestions and new ideas.

Please do drop us a line at
